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This is where we let go of the past.

We let go of what has already happened.
We let go of the shit we can’t do shit about.

Did you go to school for something completely unrelated to your dream and now struggle with the idea of wasting that hard-earned expensive-ass piece of paper or papers? So did I.

Or maybe you’ve spent the last however many years working for the man and the thought of starting over terrifies you. I understand. I truly do.

Take a deep breath.

You are never really starting from scratch.

Your surroundings and circumstances can always change of course, but think about all the knowledge and experience that you’ve collected in your arsenal of awesomeness.

By the time I finally took the leap and started my art business, I had worked at 17 different jobs, gotten a BA in Human Services, a Masters in Nonprofit Leadership, moved 8 times, lived overseas 3 times, got married, and all the other mental shit that happens before the age of 30 in female humans.

Of course I can’t help but think about where my work/career would be if I had truly committed to pursuing art from the beginning.

But it didn’t go that way for me, and I don’t believe in wasting time on regret. I have lifelong relationships with some of the people that I have worked and studied with, not to mention the experiences and knowledge I gained about a field that is very important to me and continues to be – and I wouldn’t trade it.

In addition, the knowledge and experience you gain has an immeasurable impact on how you view and run your business. My life wouldn’t look like it does if I hadn’t arrived here on the exact path that I ended up taking.

So don’t distress about your $100k in student loans or the degree(s) that you now questions, collecting dust in a drawer.

All knowledge is good knowledge, and it will benefit you in ways that you might not see yet.

TIP: If you have Federal student loans, take advantage of their Income-Based Repayment program if you’re struggling. And make sure you renew your tax information with them every year to keep your payment down going forward.

Other struggles?

They made you stronger, more experienced, resilient and all sorts of other badass things. Use them to your advantage.

All those psychotic assholes you came across along the way?

They will help you determine which characteristics to avoid when building YOUR dream team (if you choose to build a dream team) and remind you what kind of person or leader you DON’T want to be.



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Emily Scott