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Love nature,

love your self.

As seen in…

  • Sacred | 60″ x 72″

    Original Antelope Canyon Painting by Emily Scott

    Sacred is a collection of work born of a return to the Self; a return to source, the roots of our existence. We cannot take these sacred places for granted. We are of the earth; WE need the earth to survive…we are nature. Sacred places such as these are what is true, what is natural, what should be protected and valued.

    The Sacred collection is meant to take you inside yourself, to a place you might not go often enough. The place where you can find stillness and truth, silence alongside the echo of your knowing.

    Virtual Viewing : Sacred


    60″ x 72″ (152.4cm x 182.88cm)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, Ready to Hang


    Timelapse Painting : Sacred
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  • Morph | 72″ x 60″

    Original Antelope Canyon Painting by Emily Scott

    We are ever-evolving beings. Even in this lifetime we’re evolving from birth to death. We’re learning, we’re struggling, we’re growing, we’re adapting. We’re scarred, we’re traumatized, we’re recovering, we’re figuring out who we are all day, every day. Being aligned with your Self and being of service doesn’t always look the way you think it’s going to. I’ve come back around to that place of trusting in the unfolding and fully trusting my intuition – a place I didn’t realize I had left – but without contrast we can’t see, can we? You rarely realize that you’re transforming at the time. But when you are on the other side of that metamorphosis, you barely recognize that previous version of yourself. You slowly come to see the beauty in that old you, and how she created the you of today. And then, how grateful you are that she did.

    60″ x 72″ (152.4cm x 182.88cm)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, 3-Point Wired, Ready to Hang


    Virtual Viewing : Morph
    Timelapse Painting : Morph
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  • For the Love of the Land Original Painting | 48″ x 180″

    Original Sedona, Arizona Painting by Emily Scott
    Direct Light Virtual Viewing : For the Love of the Land

    The red rocks of Sedona have always captivated me. After a lifetime in the Northwest, Sedona was my first calling to the Southwest. I found a new kind of love for the earth in this desert landscape that I wasn’t expecting. The color palette, the vibrations, the crisp air – we are so fortunate to be surrounded by this beauty.

    Traveling all over the West brought me to landscapes I didn’t know existed, places that take the breath away.

    Amara respects and values that beauty and I am honored to collaborate with them. Amara means ‘For the Love of the Land‘, which encompasses both of our missions beautifully. The flagship piece of this collection is named in honor of this mission. To love the land, as we would love ourselves. To honor the land, as we would our ancestors. To respect and preserve the land, as we must – for our survival, for our futures.

    48″ x 60″ (Set of 3: 48″ x 180″ total)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, 3-Point Wired, Ready to Hang


    Timelapse Painting : For the Love of the Land
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  • Reach | 60″ x 72″

    Original Antelope Canyon Painting by Emily Scott

    Have faith in the Divine plan. The universe is leading you down the path of most benefit for you, and of the lessons that you need to learn. Trust can open doorways to growth and creation you never dreamed you were capable of. Reach for your greatest potential – you have no idea the impact of even your gentlest efforts when supported by consistency. Stretch yourself, strive to know yourself, remember that the journey does not end – you’re reaching for joy and peace NOW, in this moment.

    60″ x 72″ (152.4cm x 182.88cm)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, 3-Point Wired, Ready to Hang


    Virtual Viewing : Reach
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  • Elemental | 72″ x 60″

    Original Antelope Canyon Painting by Emily Scott

    There is a center to us, a center that everything else revolves around and generates from. We all come from the same Source. We are OF nature. We need her, not the other way around – she will endure despite us. So many humans have lost the deep connection our ancestors had with the earth and our universe. We desperately need to look to those that never lost that connection – indigenous peoples across the planet. Everything is energy, ourselves included. Nature heals us because we ARE nature.

    Virtual Viewing : Elemental


    60″ x 72″ (152.4cm x 182.88cm)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, 3-Point Wired, Ready to Hang


    Timelapse : Elemental
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  • Soar | 72″ x 60″

    Original Antelope Canyon Painting by Emily Scott

    Make peace with all that has led you here. Open your heart to all amazing possibilities and embrace your higher self. Let the weight of the past go. It is now just story that got you to this point. Don’t let it hold you back; let it strengthen your acceleration forward. This is the time to access your higher self; the part of you that knows you’re connected to life everywhere. It is limitless what you can accomplish if you really focus your energy and tune into what already exists in the universe and has existed all along. Everything has energy, but nothing moreso than our thoughts. Our thoughts create the world around us. We have no idea how powerful we are.

    60″ x 72″ (152.4cm x 182.88cm)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canva

    Unframed, 3-Point Wired, Ready to Hang


    Virtual Viewing : Soar
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  • Solace | 72″ x 60″

    Original Antelope Canyon Painting by Emily Scott

    Take the time to get lost in yourself. To retreat inward, to sit in the silence of your own chamber. Life is an inside job. Tune into your Self, and LISTEN to her. She is your highest self, your most evolved self, the self that knows where you want to go and the quickest way to get you there. So quiet your mind, relax, release all that unnecessary tension, the pointless worrying, the preoccupation with others. The more you tune INWARD, the higher you vibrate, and the more you lift others.

    60″ x 72″ (152.4cm x 182.88cm)

    Acrylic on 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, 3-Point Wired, Ready to Hang

    Virtual Viewing : Solace
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  • Agave One | SOLD


    Original Agave Painting by Emily Scott

    Virtual Viewing : Agave One

    16″ x 20″ (40.64cm x 50.8cm)

    Acrylic on Canvas

    Framed (2″ wood floater), Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Agave Three | 18″ x 18″


    Original Agave Painting by Emily Scott

    Virtual Viewing : Agave Three

    18″ x 18″ (45.72cm x 45.72cm)

    Acrylic and Texture on Wood Panel

    Raw Pine Mount (2″), Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Warmth | 10″ x 10″

    Original Painting by Emily Scott

    A collection of creamy mountains under vibrant, soothing skies.

    10″ x 10″ (25.4cm x 25.4cm)

    Acrylic on Canvas

    Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Glow | SOLD

    Original Painting by Emily Scott

    A collection of creamy mountains under vibrant, soothing skies.

    30″ x 6″

    Acrylic on Canvas

    Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Serene | 10″ x 10″

    Original Painting by Emily Scott

    A collection of creamy mountains under vibrant, soothing skies.

    10″ x 10″ (25.4cm x 25.4cm)

    Acrylic on Canvas

    Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Agave Two | 16″ x 20″


    Original Agave Painting by Emily Scott

    Virtual Viewing : Agave Two

    16″ x 20″ (40.64cm x 50.8cm)

    Acrylic on Wood Panel

    Raw Pine Mount (2″), Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Grief | SOLD


    Original Painting by Emily Scott

    Timelapse Painting : Grief

    What Is Grief, If Not Love Persevering? – Vision

    My baby boy, my sweetest lovin’ ham. I am so grateful to be your mom. Losing you so suddenly and unexpectedly has torn me apart. These last few days with you have been gutting. To be plunged into darkness and then into excruciating pain must have been so stressful and terrifying. Your cuddles, I will cherish forever, especially this last week. You spent your life protecting us, bringing so much joy and love to our lives. My heart broke in a new place every day you were suffering. Operating in a fog of sadness, with swollen eyes, waves of sobs that never cease.

    The cinnamon for your soft, fluffy coat.

    The turquoise for your collar and that mean ‘ol rope.

    The mountain of immense love, and the equivalent pain.

    A heartbreak I never want to go through again, but would do so over and over.

    You are irreplaceable, and left a void that can never be filled.

    I can still feel you with me, I sometimes hear your footsteps and see you smiling and wagging that helicopter tail in the corner of my eye.

    A boy like no other, I’ll see you on the other side, my love.

    30″ x 40″ (76.2cm x 101.6cm)

    Acrylic + Texture + 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Direction | 16″ x 20″


    Original Cardinal Painting by Emily Scott

    I used to think my Gram’s bird obsession was a little intense, but I get it now. Cardinals were one of her favorites, and it was such a rare sight to see the bright red beauties growing up in Montana. Since moving to Texas, I see them so regularly I have to wonder if it’s my precious Gram saying hello. I understand the excitement now!

    16″ x 20″ (40.64cm x 50.8cm)

    Acrylic on Canvas

    Framed (2″ wood floater), Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Nascent | 20″ x 16″


    Original Sunrise Painting by Emily Scott

    How many times can one re-emerge? Experience rebirth? Reconsider existence? The sun does it…every single day. Every moment is an opportunity to move a new direction, to start over, to birth an entirely new life. Every iteration of you is a layer of your evolution. Embrace the continuous cycle of growth toward your maximum potential.

    16″ x 20″ (40.64cm x 50.8cm)

    Acrylic + Texture on Canvas

    Framed (2″ wood floater), Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Nurture | 18″ x 24″

    Original Painting by Emily Magone

    I learned a very hard and painful lesson this year about nurturing, loving and listening to myself. I took a journey across the country with my dogs to gain some clarity, stopping at some of the most beautiful places on earth; Bonneville Salt Flats being one of them. This place is vast and otherworldly, serene and breathtaking. Such a unique landscape, a sight that stops you in your tracks, silences your thoughts as you take it in.

    Virtual Viewing : Nurture

    18″ x 24″ (45.7cm x 61cm)

    Acrylic + Sand + 1.5″ Canvas

    Unframed, Wired & Ready to Hang

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  • Dream Two | SOLD


    Original Moon Phase Painting by Emily Scott

    Virtual Viewing : Dream Two

    There is a stillness about the night, allowing dreams to take the stage, to become manifest. Even awake, the night drapes a layer of quiet over everything, like sheer silk bringing comfort yet heightening the senses. Live in these moments as you do in the daylight, with presence and appreciation for the natural cycles within and around us.

    16″ x 20″ (40.64cm x 50.8cm)

    Acrylic on Canvas

    Framed (2″ wood floater), Wired & Ready to Hang

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View All Original Paintings

written by Emily Scott and directed by Alex Diaz

score : “Pine” by Tree Theater

composed and performed by Will Carter

post-credits bonus footage by Alex Diaz


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Emily Scott