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I set aside the last week of December to hash out ALL my goals and my plans to reach them in 2017 and beyond.

With piles and stacks of notebooks, scratch paper, eNotes and the like, I started to categorize it all under the two main goals (income and reach).

Once I did this, it was super easy to take each little note, blurb and hastily scratched out idea and put it where it belonged in the greater scheme of the main goals, or if it belonged in the trash.

Setting the two main annual goals then allowed me to break everything down into what needed to be done per quarter, per month, and per week.

Everything was then written into the Passion Planner and/or Lisa Jacob’s Your Best Year business planner. So with room for adjustment and unexpecteds of course, the entire year is a map to the main goals.

Now that I’m a couple of weeks in on the plan, things are going really well. Productivity has definitely increased, and I feel so much more relaxed about ALL THE THINGS THERE ARE TO DO because all the things that need to happen to accomplish the goals are specific, broken down to task, and scheduled according to quarter, month and week.

Everything has it’s place in the rank of priorities, and everything that needs to be handled will be handled.

This is the most control of the overwhelm I’ve ever felt.

This is also the most focused I’ve ever felt. It’s taken me a long time to be able to really be present in any given moment, but a commitment to daily meditation has really made some huge impacts in my life – the ability to be fully present being one of them.

But the message here is that YOU have to take control of where you’re focusing your energy if you want to get to the Thing.

You literally and figuratively cannot rely on anyone else to create the life you want or to bring you happiness. Others can contribute in many ways, but you are responsible for your life. No one else.

No one is working to make your dreams come true.

You have to take the action.


Emily is an Artist, entrepreneur, and ambitious introvert who had to rethink her career plans when she married a military man.  She wrote Permission Granted to lift other purpose-driven women up on the journey to creating their ideal lives. 

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Emily Scott