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What an incredible weekend this was! Over a million marchers for women, all over the world.

The largest peaceful protest in HISTORY. That shit’s amazing.

The pendulum is swinging back. The time has come for women to take the reigns once again, for the sake of the earth and humanity.

Not to exclude men, but the patriarchy hasn’t exactly gotten us into a good state. The women of ages past are looking at this current earth wondering why we’ve allowed our power to be suppressed for so long.

No longer.

It is time for us to step forward. To step into ourselves. Into our higher Selves.

To be a part of MOVING the movement.

To share our voices, and our truths.

Because the greatest thing you can do for humanity is to find your truth and share it.

To live as the best version of yourself.

To maximize your potential.

I believe that to reach maximum potential you have to find your…Thing.

The Thing that makes you come alive.

Your Thing is something you’ve always known.

Something that’s been there since the beginning.

Something that you’ve never been able to ignore.

Something you’re bound to.

bound : \’bau’nd\ : adj. : inseparably connected with

Once we figure out that the Thing is the Thing…well, pursuing it means you’re tapping into who nature intended you to be.

And that is when we truly shine.

That is when we change the world.

Because the more effort we put in to being our highest Selves, the better the world is.

What is YOUR Thing? I want to know. Tell me about it in the comments below!



Emily is an Artist, entrepreneur, and ambitious introvert who had to rethink her career plans when she married a military man.  She wrote Permission Granted to lift other purpose-driven women up on the journey to creating their ideal lives. 

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Emily Scott