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Do you know yourself? Do you LOVE yourself?
This is very important, and you musn’t forget.
The essence of The Thing is YOU.
The real, authentic you.
The Thing can only come into the world through YOU. Otherwise the Thing wouldn’t be in YOUR mind, it would be in someone else’s.
Remember in the first section when I talked about listening?
That is the key to everything – to LISTEN to your higher Self. To your gut, to your intuition, to your instinct, whatever you want to call her.
She is YOU.  Channel her.

Tap into her, get to know her, feel her …become her.

This is going to look different for everyone. This can be a spiritual thing, an intellectual thing, a physical exploration thing, a solo-traveling thing…it depends on who you are and what you’re into.

Make Self-love and personal growth a priority – schedule it in.

And know that it’s always ongoing, always. This isn’t something that anyone else can do for you, you have to do this for yourself.

My inward journey has been all of the above with an emphasis on nature – travel, crystals, moon cycles and such. I share all of my favorite resources and more on the last page of this book.

The point is to focus on being YOUR best Self and seeking clarity around what that looks like for you – everything else, including your relationships, will fall into alignment.

The better you know your Self, the more confident, authentic, courageous, motivated and powerful you are. And that is good for EVERYONE, because…

you being your best Self makes the world better.

Can you imagine if every woman on Earth were constantly moving toward maximum potential? What an incredible world we could create!


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Emily Scott