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So now that you know your thing – or at least know that you want to figure out your thing  – how bad do you want it?
How bad do you want to wake up every day EXCITED about what lies ahead?
How bad do you want to be living the dream?
YOUR dream?
Seriously, how bad?
Are you willing to give some shit up? To make some sacrifices? Take some risks?

Your dream won’t become reality overnight.
It won’t appear as a result of endless hoping.
It won’t become reality by talking about it.
It will take discipline and sacrifice.
It will take commitment and scheduling of your time.
It will take CONSISTENT effort and hard work.

And that means cutting some bullshit out of your current lifestyle and routine.
You must declutter your life and make ROOM for the awesomeness.
What that means will be specific to you.

We all have the same 24 hours to work with.

It could be that you need to remove some negative, angry, toxic or dramatic people from your life.
If you can’t remove them, minimize contact as much as you can to decrease the influence of their grey cloud of doom and chaos on your energy and life. And do not feel guilty about it.

It could be that you need to physically get organized. Time spent looking for shit is time wasted. If you don’t know how to go about that, I bet you know someone who is an organizational nerd – beg them to teach you the way. They love to organize shit for people. Trust me, I’m one of them.

It could be that you’re spread too thin and need to learn to say no. If you’re spending any of your precious time doing something you don’t look forward to and it isn’t required for any reason, then quit that shit.

It could be that you need to get your finances organized. Quit being impulsive and buying useless shit for yourself and others.  Quit feeling like you have to buy every person you know birthday and Christmas presents every year if you can’t actually afford it. Just tell them you love them, make them dinner…it’ll be alright.

Figure out where your money is going and where it could stop going. Every dollar spent on frivolous shit could be funding your dream.

This book changed my life, and finally made me feel in control of my finances. Pick it up and implement the system, you’ll feel much better.


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It could be that you need to get your health in order. It’s truly amazing how the simple acts of eating well and daily exercise will change your life.

Quality over quantity – this applies to most of the important things in life. Relationships, time, food…the list goes on.

Whatever it is in your life that’s sucking up your time and brain power in a negative way, work on getting rid of it. That is time and brain power that could be fueling your dream.

Are you a talker, a dreamer, a thinker, a visionary? Awesome.

But are you also a DOER?

Because no one else is going to do this shit for you.

You literally and figuratively cannot rely on anyone else to create the life you want or to bring you the happiness that would come with living your dream.

Other people contribute in many ways, but you are ultimately responsible for your life.  No one else.
No one is working to make your dreams come true, they are working on their own dreams.

You have to take the action. YOU.

There are many potential obstacles and just as many potential solutions to what could be blocking you from taking action.


Some helpful questions to ask yourself, depending on your situation:

Can you work part-time?

How about if you make a strict budget and cut some of the afore-mentioned shit out? Then could you work part time?

If you’re a couple, can you make it on one income temporarily?

Can you move somewhere with a lower cost of living?

Can you share living expenses with a friend in a similar situation?

Can you hang with your parents or a sibling/family member for awhile?

Think about long term happiness and what kind of sacrifices are possible and worth it for you.

But remember, it is YOU that has to make the decisions and sacrifices necessary to create your ideal life.

YOU are responsible for your own happiness and life.




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Emily Scott