What a crazy time we’re in, friend. I hope you and your family are doing well, and if you’re hunkered down at home like me, I hope you’re taking this time to rest, take care of yourself and work on some of those things that have been hanging out on your personal development to-do list for so long!
It’s an excellent time to go within and reassess what you want the next phase of your life to look like. What kind of person do you want to be in this world? What do you want your life to look like? What does your inner Self want? What does your intuition pull you towards?
Take some time during this period of retreat and quiet your mind. Go deep within and LISTEN to what you hear. Write it down, remember that you are amazing and have everything you need to make any dream you have a reality.

40″ x 30″
Acrylic + 1.5″ Canvas
The Prints

When you travel, you seek epic natural wonders. When you have a day off, you head outdoors. To places without people… where you can really listen to the water, the breeze, and the birds. I feel you. Nothing makes me feel more connected to myself and to everything than tuning into our natural world. I believe that we’re bound to everything and to each other. We are nature. I paint nature because there is nothing more beautiful and magical to me. My abstract work comes from a love of color and allowing materials to behave organically. The experimentation has led to many of the techniques I use in my nature work. I’m here to make art that helps you realign with nature and your higher Self. – Emily Magone