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Before we go on, I’m going to ask an important question.

If you already have kids, then you can skip this next paragraph 😉 You already know about the sacrifices they require and you’re still here, nurturing that flame in your soul. I applaud you.

But if you don’t have children…do you want them? I mean REALLY want them? Because having them will cut down the time you’re able to invest in your dreams by a good 90%, for quite awhile. If you can afford help or your kids are already on the older side, this won’t be the case. I know plenty of moms that juggle it all like a boss, so obviously it’s possible.

My point is this:

Don’t have children just because society or anyone in your life has made you think you “should”…or because you think its the ‘next natural step’…or because you just want to see what they would look/be like…or because you think it will save your relationship.  If you feel like ‘something’s missing’ but you can’t quite figure out what it is…

It’s likely your connection with your Self. Listen to Her instead.


The world doesn’t need more people. The world needs YOU, in your destined role, as your highest Self, doing the thing that only you are capable of doing in the way that you are capable of doing it. 


Now that that’s out of the way…
Let’s get back to the Thing.
Do you know your thing?
Do you know you have a thing, but you haven’t figured out what it is yet?

Has your thing been living in your mind your entire life and you’re just grown accustomed to keeping her on a shelf for ‘someday’ or ‘when you have time’?

Or has your thing been desperately screaming to get out for years and for some reason you can’t bring yourself to open the door? (That’s what mine was doing. Good times.)

There are so many ways to learn about the Thing.

If, like me, you want to put a question like “what the eff am I supposed to be doing with my life?” into Google and have it produce an instant answer…I understand completely.

Since Buzzfeed quizzes don’t get too deep, let me make a few suggestions.

If you haven’t taken the full-form real Myers-Briggs assessment, I recommend doing it.

take the official myers-briggs test

I’ve come back to this test several times over the years, and it has been useful in many ways. I’ve even had potential employers request it. Also, your results change as you change, staying relevant.

I also recommend the Gallup Strengths Finder, 51x5b0xOiL


and the Primary and Secondary Archetype tests by Cerries Mooney.

And of course, go ahead and do a bunch of shit that you don’t like doing and work for various assholes to get an idea of what ISN’T the thing.
Wanting to re-enact any scene from Office Space, yet refraining, is good for developing self-awareness, humility and patience.
Once you’ve done all that, it’s time to listen.


To your Self, to your intuition, to your soul, whatever you’ve named her.

Art by Mae Chevrette, Quote by Steve Jobs

It’s true.
You came here with a purpose. But we forget what that purpose is sometimes, and the universe leaves us a trail of bread crumbs until we remember.
If you haven’t remembered yet, that is fine. Keep reading. Your thing will come to you when it is time.



If money were no concern, what would my day look like?

What do I enjoy doing more than anything? When do I lose myself?

How do I best express myself? Through words? Through food? Through art? Through helping others?

What do other people tell me I’m good at?

When do I feel most confident?

Do I like to be around people or on my own?


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