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Man, the last 5 years have been a mf roller coaster, y’all.

Whatever flavor of personal hellscape you’ve come through in the last few years, I admire you. The last near decade has felt like being stuck in a dryer on an acid trip, in dog years. We’ve all come out the other side someone markedly different than we were going in.

I’m very grateful going into my 40th year. Some beautiful shit has come out of the last decade, birthed from all the pain, loss and chaos. Niching down in all areas of life, focusing on the 20% of things that bring us the 80% of the desired result. The essentials. Quality over quantity; prioritizing the health, relationships, self-care and creativity departments.

Part of that dryer ride messed with the creativity factor for sure, but the spinning is slowing down and I’m very excited for the next phase of my work. Bringing oil paint back into my supplies, creating small, focused, organic collections in the color palettes I can’t stop dreaming about.

Thank you for still being here, for being you and shining on with your beautiful self. I’m so glad that my work brings a little sparkle of delight to your life – cheers to you, and to the revolution ahead!


Emily Scott is a self-taught artist, entrepreneur and nature enthusiast from NW Montana. Her favorite pastime is watching women rise into themselves and maximize their potential – whatever that might look like.

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Emily Scott