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Are you really sleeping enough?

How many hours do you typically sleep if you don’t set an alarm?

Not like on the weekend. Like if you did it consistently.

Try it for a week.

Start going to bed a half-hour earlier every night until you start to wake up just before your alarm goes off.

Learn how many hours your body needs, and then make it happen consistently.

I’m in a fortunate position in which I can make my own schedule. It took me a long time to accept that I need a full 8-9 hours in order to function at my best and be most productive.

I felt like I was being a lazy pile of shit.

But when it became apparent how shitty and wasted a day can be when not enough sleep is had, it actually is a waste of time to not get enough sleep.

We need to get past the idea that it’s some badge of honor to run on as little sleep as possible.

If you are sleep deprived, your productivity suffers, your creativity suffers, everything suffers.

It adds to stress, which leads to a hundred other health issues.

Some people require less than others.  Some require more.  Mine is 8-9.  Some people easily run off of 5-6.

So figure out what your sleep requirement is (when you tend to wake up naturally) and get it.

Your body and mind will thank you.

Emily is an Artist, entrepreneur, and ambitious introvert who had to rethink her career plans when she married a military man.  She wrote Permission Granted to lift other purpose-driven women up on the journey to creating their ideal lives. 

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Emily Scott