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If you subscribe, you got my note on Monday about taking advantage of this week to channel your energy for 2017. Today is the New Moon, and also the most powerful time to set your intentions for the new year ahead.

This past year was very much about forgiveness for me, though it took me awhile to realize it. It wasn’t until around winter solstice (a time of forgiveness) that I understood the shift that was needed.

I think, as souls, we plan our lives ahead of time in the context of the things we want to learn in order to grow and expand. Having free will and choice, we go through as many different struggles as it takes for us to learn the lesson and move forward.

Those struggles show up in many ways, in the form of circumstances and people that come into our lives.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve hung onto emotional wounds that were inflicted as far back as childhood.

WTF good has that done? Not letting go can waste endless hours of mental energy that could be put towards growth and expansion instead.

When people hurt you, or when super shitty shit happens, try to remember that your Self put that in motion before you came here.

It is your job to figure out the lesson that you’re supposed to learn.

Once you acknowledge and accept the lesson, you can level up and move forward.

Forgiveness, in my case, is something that was somewhat undefined and much easier said than done.

When you detach personally from the ‘bad thing’ and are able to view it as just a super shitty class in the curriculum of life that you planned for yourself before coming here, it’s a game-changer for your mental well-being. At least it was for me 🙂

Once you can get to that point, you can get to a place of gratitude – for the lesson and for the growth and expansion you’ve experienced.

After the Solstice comes the New Moon (today!) and as I said above, the most powerful time for setting intentions for your life.

I want to know :

What is YOUR plan for 2017?

What are you DOING to get closer to your goals and to make your dreams reality?

What are you doing to deepen your CONNECTION to nature and your higher self?

I’m over the moon about 2017 and how amazing it’s going to be. I can’t wait to hear what YOUR intentions are for 2017.

Share in the comments! Your intentions inspire others’ intentions! <3

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Emily is an Artist, entrepreneur, and ambitious introvert who had to rethink her career plans when she married a military man.  She wrote Permission Granted to lift other purpose-driven women up on the journey to creating their ideal lives. 

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Emily Scott