Thanks to YOU, we hit #1 in ELEVEN categories on the Amazon Best Sellers list! 😱😱😱
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”
-Marianne Williamson
I don’t remember when Author started showing up on my life goals list, but I wasn’t really expecting it to manifest before I was, like, 50. But 2020 crushed some crazy sh*t out of us all, and here we are.
It was a heavy year – globally and individually. In the unknown of a pandemic, my little world was also caving in. While navigating the rubble, I was invited to be part of a project – to co-author a book about finding the gift in your trauma. The timing of this opportunity was insane. I was literally packing up my life to start another, but I knew it showed up when it did for a reason.
The writing of (the many drafts) of this story dragged me through the healing process in a way I wasn’t expecting, and I’m incredibly grateful for that.
So I not only get to share with you my (along with 10 other incredible women) first published work; my painting “Transform” is the cover art! A collection of stories from real women about finding the gift in their trauma – curated with the hope of helping other women through theirs. I’m so honored to be part of this incredible project with this amazing group of women, whose powerful stories were poured into this book with the intention to inspire, empower, comfort, and remind you that you aren’t alone in your pain.

You CAN start over at any moment. You can deconstruct and rebuild at any point in your life, even if you had never planned to start over again. You are not starting from scratch, but from experience. You can reCREATE your life exactly as you desire. You’re capable of being, doing, and having literally anything you can imagine for yourself—the universe wouldn’t put those thoughts there otherwise. You CAN trust yourself to create your life, and it can be more beautiful than anything you’ve experienced thus far. How exciting is that? Every day is an opportunity to forge a beautiful new path.
Going through this period of darkness gave me a new understanding of the laws of the universe and how our thoughts create the world around us, and I want women and girls in particular to understand how powerful you are, and how completely the universe supports you. I want you to know that you’re not alone.
When it came time to reclaim my name, I realized I no longer resonated with my maiden name either. There were elements there I wasn’t willing to carry forward with me.
After we lost my Gram in 2011, our relationship continued to deepen. As I grew into myself and continued to channel my creativity and obsession with nature, I could feel her. It’s like I was getting to know her still; I could recognize her in my work, feel her appreciation for what I was seeing too. She is who I’ve always felt the most connected to, the one who understood me most growing up. So I traced back through her, to the first in the fam to make the journey from Scotland to the US back in the days of yore – and found a sir James Scott, my 5th great-grandfather.
It felt so right, so resonant. A new level, alongside a return to my Self. An honoring of the past, with a fresh canvas before me. Anchored in lineage, yet mine to define. The act alone was a day of healing, a true closing of one chapter and opening of the next.
“Today, again, I choose myself. My own pride. My own self-respect, my own well-being. I choose not to worry about what they will think. I choose not to worry about disappointing anyone. I choose myself.”
-Magda Rose
Your thoughts are placing vibe-based orders with your higher Self/Source/the Universe, which means you can cook up anything you can imagine. Anything. Everything is possible, and your potential is limitless.
Launch Day Interview! (I come in around 51 minutes) 😉
Emily Scott is a project manager and Salesforce enthusiast by day and an award-winning self-taught artist by night. Born and raised in the Kootenai Valley in northwest Montana, she headed to Seattle for college and grad school before spending several years overseas interning, volunteering within Peace Corps, travelling, eating, and seeking epic nature, all the while growing her art business. Nineteen countries later, she is back in the Pacific Northwest making art inspired by the natural wonders from her travels and surroundings, creating works that emanate the constant soothing-yet-powerful energy of our universe.
Emily is passionate about empowering women to step into their true Selves, to love themselves, and to take control of their own personal uprising, whatever that may look like.