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There are so many people and things that have helped me on this crazy entrepreneurial journey.

But the number one greatest tip I can share with you is to create or join a Mastermind.

I found mine at a live Amy Porterfield event last year, and I can’t put into words how much of a game-changer it was.

We’re a group of 7 women, all with different types of businesses, at different places in our businesses, and all completely invested in ourselves and lifting each other towards our individual goals. We all bring a range of experiences and backgrounds to the table, and it enables us to collectively approach and solve any and every business challenge we face.

I spent the first 5 years of my business in mental isolation – researching, reading, watching, learning, absorbing, implementing. I had a couple friends that I talked to about little bits, but that was it.

Having a tribe of women around you that have the same ambitious mindset and goals will take all of you to the next level.

So find your tribe, and hold them close!

An Entrepreneur’s Resource List

The following is a living, regularly updated list of books, mentors, apps and other resources that have helped me along this journey. Every name is a link, so explore away! And if you have anything that would be great to add, contact me!


The Confidence Code : Katty Kay

The Modern Guide to Witchcraft : Skye Alexander

#Girlboss : Sophia Amoruso

Reason for Hope : Jane Goodall

Everything by Malcolm Gladwell

The Art of Work : Jeff Goins

The War of Art : Steven Pressfield

Choice Theory : William Glasser, M.D.

Building a Story Brand : Donald Miller

Moonology : Yasmin Boland

The Power of Habit : Charles Duhigg

Art, Money & Success : Maria Brophy

High Performance Habits : Brendon Burchard

You Don’t Look Fat, You Look Crazy : Ashley Longshore

Profit First : Mike Michalowicz

Big Magic : Elizabeth Gilbert

You Are A Badass and You Are a Badass at Making Money : Jen Sincero

Originals : Adam Grant

Business & Entrepreneurship

Marie Forleo

James Wedmore

Amy Porterfield

Melyssa Griffin

Donald Miller

Tracy Matthews

Jess Van Den

Jeff Goins

Kelly Rae Roberts

Spiritual & Manifestation

Denise Duffield-Thomas

Sarah Prout

Jenn Kosh

Abraham Hicks







If you know of anything that would jive with this list, please comment so everyone can benefit!

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**I do not link to or recommend items that I myself haven’t read, used and love!**

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Emily Scott