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…the most personal gift.

By October 3, 2016October 26th, 2019No Comments

The Lyric Scarf was an idea I had for my best friend. Her and I have this DMB thing, and so I wanted to try writing some lyrics on a scarf for her and then painting it with her favorite color. We both loved it.

I put it in the shop on a whim, and it turns out lots of other people loved it as well.

3 years later, and the Lyric Scarf is still the most popular item in my shop by far.

After nearly 700 of these scarves, I’ve gotten to read some pretty beautiful things.

Love letters, poetry, collections of moments, literature I’d never have seen otherwise, even a chunk of a PhD dissertation. These scarves have brought tears of joy (so I’m told) and I love knowing that.

They’ve been retirement gifts, graduation gifts, wedding gifts, bridesmaid gifts, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, Valentine’s, Christmas and in memoriam.

They’ve been every color of the rainbow, over mountains and over trees.

They’ve been silk, fringed and infinite.


Being back with family this holiday season, I’m feeling super sentimental.

So here’s a present!!

YES. From now on, I’m including FREE shipping AND gift-wrapping on ALL Lyric Scarves.

This year, avoid a little of the shopping madness, and just tell me what to write. And what color to paint.

With our powers combined, we’ll create the most meaningful gift for your lovely loved one. There won’t be another piece like it on earth.

Create your scarf here.


Questions? I’m at your service.


Holiday shopping?

International order deadline: November 30th

US order deadline: December 10th


I love you, lovelies. So so much.

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Emily Scott