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1. Go for a walk (without music). Make a point to listen to just the sounds that the earth is making. The breeze blowing through the leaves and grass, the birds, the water if you’re near it.

2. Meditate. This doesn’t have to be difficult or even lengthy. Just silence everything for a minute. Listen to your soul. Your intuition. That is your Self speaking. She knows all the things. Trust her.

3. Touch the earth. Go outside barefoot and walk in the grass. Sink your toes-ies into the sand. Make a mud pie with your kids. Sit your ass in the creek. Really FEEL it.

4. Invite nature in. This can look many ways. Houseplants if you can keep them alive (I’m working on this), are aesthetically pleasing as well as cleansing to your air. An indoor water fountain. A beautiful piece of nature art. See what I did there? 😉

5. Plant a garden. It can be flowers, herbs, or a full on crop of vegetables if you have the time and patience. Flowers support our bee population (aka life) and bring so much beauty and joy to your space. If you go the veggie route, growing something from start to finish is incredibly satisfying, and it tastes so much better.

6. Get into it. Go kayaking. Go snowshoeing. Skiing. Hang gliding. The level of casual or extreme is up to you. But give yourself a perspective that you wouldn’t see otherwise, and be present in that moment.

7. Look up. The stars are incredible. Our universe is vast, and we can only see a tiny fraction of what it holds. If you can’t see them, make a plan to get somewhere you can for a weekend. You won’t regret it.

8. Pay attention to the details. The veins on the leaves. The subtle color changes in a flower petal. The beautiful textures and variations of the tree bark. The perfect spiral in a sea shell.

9. Start a fire. Safely, of course. Build a firepit in your backyard. Have a fire on the beach. Go camping and cook your food over the flames. There are few things as wonderful as listening to the crackling of a fire, watching the flames and feeling the warmth on your face. Mmmmhmmm.

10. Take it off. And by this, I mean skinny dip. At least topless. Bonus pleasure points if there’s a nice warm breeze. Throw both hands in the air and revel in your Goddess-ness.

Do YOU have any ideas to add to this list? Tell me about them in the comments! I would LOVE to hear from you.


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